Saturday 6 July 2013

Hawkeye VS Deadshot

Who is better Hawkeye or Deadshot

Deadshot is a smart and quick assassin who uses a variety of guns to shoot with, and he never misses however Hawkeye is a master at archery who has a great shot.

Hawkeye has

  • trick arrows                                                                 
  • grand-master archer
  • pilot
  • athletic
  • enhanced eye sight
  • expert at martial arts
Deadshot has

  • great shot with sniper
  • expert marksman
  • cybernetic eye that gives him mission data and accuracy
  • master hand to hand combatant                                                   

In a fight Hawkeye has his strong abilities and would be able to beat Deadshot in a normal fight however if Deadshot tries to shoot hawkeye form a a distance hawkeye would probably see him because of his enhanced eye sight then hawkeye could quickly dodge the bullet and shoot Deadshot with an arrow.


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