Sunday 30 June 2013

if they do a man of steel trilogy they should do the death of superman comic where doomsday kills superman, however with a different story  as well like superman can die meanwhile doomsday is killing everyone on earth then superman can return. Firstly they should do like a legend of doomsday, doomsdays origins and a aftermath of the previous man of steel. Then superman should destroy a few missiles that lex luthor still has after, doomsday can be destroying metropolis then doomsday and superman can have a fight in which superman wins. While hes dead he can see his dad who tells him to come back to life and he does then he kills doomsday but i want batman to be in the man of steel movies but not for long because its not superman and batman its just the man of steel and they don't have to add sidekicks.
they should do batman arkham movies like an animated movie trilogy
In Man of steel 2 the villains should be Lex luthor and Braniac
Brainiac and Lex luthor both try and kill superman.
Braniac has Twelfth-level intelligence; variable superhuman powers, including the mimicking of Kryptonian superpowers  
Lex luthor is a genius and gets super strength because of Brainiac         

Who is faster Superman or Flash?

Flash is faster because he can run faster than the speed of light but Superman can't, Flash can only run faster than the speed of light because of the speed force, the Flash is faster.

Season 4 of the walking dead might be set in Alexandria
Alexandria is like woodbury it has a big wall protecting it from zombies but in season 4 i think the zombies need to be stronger and they should run like world war z zombies

 if they make a aquaman movie that shouldnt be his suit

This should

Friday 28 June 2013

The zombies might become stronger in walking dead season 4 i think they should be like world war z zombies that would be scary
there will be a trilogy of terminator films with Arnold Schwarzenegger

Star war episode 7 should also have Darth Nihilius  
Darth Nihilus is the one with 2 lightsabers
They should add Galen marek to the new star wars movies. Galen marek was the guy in star wars force unleashed.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Who is better Thanos or Darkseid
Thanos and Darkseid are smart aliens who are both powerful however they will probably just get their armies on each other.

Thanos has

  • super strength                            
  • he can use cosmic energy                                                                     
  • his skin can't be burnt an he cant get electrified 
  • immortal
Darkseid has

  • super strength
  • invulneriblility
  • super endurance                  
  • omega force
  • immortal
In a fight i think Thanos would beat Darkseid because he can use cosmic energy which will hurt and probably wound Darkseid and Thanos cant get electrified or burnt so if theres a fight on earth Darkseid cant use anything on earth because it wont kill thanos and thanos can just use his super strength while using the cosmic energy.

Who is better Spider-Man or Aquaman
Your probably thinking spider-man will win straight however this will still be a good fight.
Spider-Man is really smart so is Aquaman. Aquaman can control water and use water to defeat Spider-Man however Aquaman only has super strength in water.

Spider-Man has

  • super strength
  • healing
  • climb walls
  • shoots webs
  • spider sense
  • master combat                             
Aquaman has

  • telepathic
  • super strength in water                                         
  • healing
  • hydrokinesis
In a fight Aquaman could use water around him and talk to fishes to come and help even in a city, a city is full of water hydrants and pipes that lead to a river or a sea so aquaman could use that, however spiderman can use his spider sense to tell him if water is coming but if aquaman gets a load of water and is drowning spiderman he can beat him up and spiderman powers are useless in water.


World War Z Review Spoilers

World war z review. Former un employee gerry lane is in his car with his family in Philadelphia when the radio says something about a rabies outbreak that has spread internationally. The zombies come and try to attack them gerry and his family run to the top of an aparment where they get rescued by un army guy called thierry umutoni. They are taken to the us navy then Dr.Andrew fassbach says its a virus and they must find where the virus started from and vaccines can be made from their. Gerry leaves his family in the navy when he goes to find where the virus started from. They go to the base and fassbach dies by using his weapon.After Gerry goes to Jerusalem to find the mossad. He finds the mossad leader who tells Gerry about the indians fighting the undead. The people who are not zombies are aloud to go to a safe zone but due to loud noises the zombies pile on top of each other to climb the wall. Gerry freind gets bitten and Gerry has to cut of his hand from him turning into a zombie. After they leave on a plane from Jerusalem. They then go to cardiff to a faciltiy to make a cure but still on the plane zombies attack people on the cabin class, Gerry throws a grenade at the zombies then the plane crashes and him and his freind are the only survivors. They go to the facility where they make a cure then loads of zombies come to the place where the cure is. After Gerry gets the cure and runs away. After Gerry and his family go to nova scoica where there are bearly any zombies however the zombies aren't dead.
If they make a Deadpool movie it would be good but Deadpool should be like a horror movie loads of blood and action and towers being blown up and even dragons however if they make a first movie the Punisher should be in it, the comic fight were good and the Punisher should also come back to marvel because he hasn't been in a movie or cartoon in a long time. Deadpool should have movies.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Terminator 5
Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he is going to be in terminator 5 however will the movie be good?
Terminator salvation wasn't that good however i think christian bale should be john conor again. However 3 and 4 were rubbish terminator movies because they tried to have a war with sky-net unlike 1 and 2 where some terminator was chasing sarah conor and john conor and they ran and tried to kill one terminator however 5 should have a good amount of action and don't put a cheesy cast in it because it wont work i want to see john conor battling deadly terminators, if there going to make a war make that a side story don't show a war in the whole movie also they need to make it more emotional like theirs a war with machines someone important has to die like john conor wife or kid if the kids born.

Monday 24 June 2013

Who is better Thor or Superman
Superman and Thor don't really use tactics they just fight and use their strength.

Thor has

  • electric manipulation                            
  • weather manipulation
  • flight
  • dimensional transportation
Superman has
  • superhuman strength
  • super speed
  • flight
  • superhuman intelligence
  • freezing breath
  • heat vision
  • longevity
  • super hearing
  • super vision powers
  • invulnerability
In a fight Superman would win because hes immortal unlike Thor and has better abilities then Thor and is smarter and quicker than Thor even though Thor can control lighting and thunder it wont hurt Superman and superman can kill Thor and even though he cant pick up Thor hammer he will be to quick for Thor.


Who is better Deadpool or Deathstroke
Deathstroke tactics are way better thand Deadpools, Deapool just jumps into a fight however Deathstroke is like batman he uses his tactics to win in a fight.

Deadpool has                                                                                                                                                                             

  • healing
  • superhuman stamina
  • devices that make him teleport and holographic disguises                              
  • carries a magic satchel
  • extended longevity
  • immunity to telepathy
  • master at martial arts
  • master swordsman and marksman   
Deathstroke has

  • Enhanced physical and mental attributes
  • healing factor                                                        
  • expert at martial arts                                                  
  • master tactician 
  • skillful manipulator
  • has access to hi-tech

  • In a fight i think deadpool will win because hes a master arts but deathstroke an expert at martial arts. However deathstroke a brilliant tactician so he would know how deadpool fights. Deapool just jumps into a fight for the fun of it but Deathstroke would kill deapool if deadpool fights the same as he usually fights. Deathstroke will mainly win on his tactics but if Deadpool was as smart as Deathstroke then Deapool would win.

      There should defiently be a Deadpool movie with loads of action and not rated as a pg because Deadpool has loads of action and blood

      Deadpool and Deathstroke means that the two universes can come together but i dont think they should make a marvel vs dc movies yet they should make it as a game that game would be good.

      Deadpool vs the Punisher is a great comic that has long battles.

      Deadpool should be a heavy action movie deadpool hates everyone in marvel hes a funny guy thats why the a movie like deadpool shouldnt be rated for kids because its a great action movie with deadly fights and you could even make it duology not every movie has to be a trilogy kill bill was a duology and they were good movies

      Deapool vs Wolverine is a great comic which has a good story and alot of action  like they kill each other 50 times and there fights last long its a very good comic

      why there should be a iron man 4

      •  what was iron man 3
      •  i dont get it
      • iron man needs to be iron man
      •  what was the point of a whole movie on a superhero and he just says im iron man when we saw the reactor getting taken out of his heart
      •  iron man 3 was rubbish
      Man of steel 2 confirmed but christopher nolan might not be in it

      Christopher nolan might not be in man of steel 2

      Saturday 22 June 2013

      Just reboot Green lantern
      i think they should just reboot green lantern because the first one was so bad they should start again a new green lantern and a new director. If they just carry on from one nobody would by the trilogy boxset because everybody hated one so if you just start again with a better green lantern then more people will like green lantern again.

      They should start the movie just with one villain sinestro.
       Then if they make a sequel it should be solomon grundy or goldface solomon grundy wont waste to much of green lantern time thats why i think grundy and goldface should team up to kill the green lantern.

      after that, parallax and the man hunters parallax and the man hunters are powerful people who want to kill green lantern the man hunters are also a justice league villains and both powerful enough to destroy green lantern and earth
      Parallax rebirth.jpg

      Friday 21 June 2013

      How the flash trilogy should go
        Shade has ability to travel great distances in short amounts of time, and create constructs out of shadows; does not age; virtually immortal.
      Doubledown Starman06new.jpg
      Double Down cards can cut superman
      Jeremy Tell was a con artist and compulsive gambler. Tell murdered the high winning gambler after losing all his money to him. The murdered man owned a mystically "cursed deck of cards" which animated cleaved and bonded to Tell's skin. They replaced most of his flesh. Tell can control these cards, detaching them from his body and directing their movement. The cards have razor edges that can cut through most things, and Tell can encase people with his cards. He often uses gambling puns.
      Professor Zoom has super speed and can time travel and is the flash archenemy, even flash cant catch him.
      Reverse Flash.jpg
      Captain Cold can freeze people and shoots ice rays and a powerful villain that can freeze the flash


      Captain Boomerang uses a wide variety of gimmicked boomerangs
      Upon resurrection: able to create boomerangs out of pure energy
      Gorilla grodd uses Superhuman physical attributes, and vast psionic powers

      Groddbolland.PNG Boomerang.png
      Captain Boomerang should just be called Boomerang
      It should be directed by christopher nolan
      How dc is better than marvel
      1. more realistic heroes batman and green arrow
      2. better movies man of steel the dark knight
      3. more serious movies
      4.  Justice league has better heroes
      5. Batman

      Tuesday 18 June 2013

      The man of steel made iron man 3 look like a cartoon series

      The Man Of Steel Review Spoilers

      The man of steel was very good. It begun with Superman or Kal-el being born then, jor-el (Russell crowe) was telling the head lawmakers that the core was going to explode then general zod came in saying he wanted to take over control of krypton and kills one of the lawmakers.Jor-el runs to get the codec, during the journey to genocide we enjoy a treat of beautiful scenery and special effects on krypton.When Jor-el gets the codec from genocide he runs back home where he puts the codec inside Superman. The codec is needed for genocide which on krypton is how baby are made they are made artificially however Superman was Krypton first natural birth. After the codec was put inside superman, zod arrives and zod and jor-el have a fight in which jor-el wins and then he tells his wife to send Superman to another planet which she does and then zod quickly stabs jor-el. After that zod is taken to the lawmakers council where they put him and his army inside the phantom zone. After that Krypton blows up and then zod is finally able to go to find another planet because the phantom zone needs Krypton to survive. Then on earth we see Superman on a fishing boat and then there's an explosion at a oil rig Superman goes to save them but after that the thing blows up and hes under water and there's a flashback from when he was a kid and when he was getting his powers and he went crazy then you see his mum martha kent come and talks to him and says for Superman to follow her voice, then Superman swims to a nearby island. We see him being bullied as a kid in kansas a boy hits him on the bus then suddenly the bus tyre brakes and they fall into a river Superman saved the bus and saved the boy that was bullying him who was about to drown. Then Superman walks away. The bullies mum was telling Martha  and Johnathan Kent what happened, then john talks to Superman and shows Superman the ship he came in and tells Superman to find out where he comes from. We meet lois lane in a ice place where Superman was aswell Lois wanted to know what was at this ice place and then she sees Superman then she follows him.Superman goes into the spaceship he finds and sees his dad who then shows him his suit when lois enters the space ship she gets attacked by this robot and when Superman hears he destroys the robot and heals lois lanes cut by using his heat vision. After Superman puts on his suit and starts to fly he crashes alot by then finally flies to space. Lois wants to find out who Superman is so she goes to his other jobs and asks people then she finds martha kent  and asks him about Superman then Superman meets lois at johns gravestone and  tells her hes Superman and doesnt want lois to put Superman in the Daily Planet. After that Superman goes back to smallville and tells Martha kent who he is and where he comes from then you see another flashback when john died in the tonado.   Zod then invades every one screen and says his message where he says he wants Superman. Superman meets the army who give Superman to zod then they also take lois and superman gets blood taken from him but lois get help from jor-el ghost and escapes and jor-el also helps Superman escape and tells Superman he can save everyone on earth. He saves lois because here pod is broken  then after zods ships starts to land and he looks for the codec he goes to martha kents house and tries to kill her the Superman flies in at 1000mph and takes zod smashes him into a plant station and punches him through a crop field. YES HE FINALLY PUNCHES. Then smashes zod into a gas station. zod helmet breaks but gets saved by a ship and a tall guy and zods army woman comes and they have a massive fight with superman. Superman wins by destroying her mask beats the tall guy. After zods ships come and start to destroy the planet,Superman stops the ship then the pilot shoots the other ship. After zods army gets trapped in the phantom zone. After there's a big fight between zod and Superman where we see lex luthors name the fight goes long and there's loads of action in it at the end Superman breaks zods neck and save lois when she falls.They kiss then at the end Superman gets a job at the Daily Planet.

      Sunday 9 June 2013

      what movie will be better the man of steel or dark knight.
      the dark knight trilogy was good however will the man of steel be better than the dark knight. the dark knight movie was more real not as much cgi as in the man of steel but will the man of steel have to much cgi that it will be so fake and it might ruin the movie however nolan is part of the movie it would have been better if nolan was director but still might be better than batman.overall i think the man of steel will be better because of nolan but nolans dark knight movie is probably better because of the joker.the man of steel will be better than the other 2 batman movies but dark knight wins because of the joker.