Thursday 27 June 2013

Who is better Spider-Man or Aquaman
Your probably thinking spider-man will win straight however this will still be a good fight.
Spider-Man is really smart so is Aquaman. Aquaman can control water and use water to defeat Spider-Man however Aquaman only has super strength in water.

Spider-Man has

  • super strength
  • healing
  • climb walls
  • shoots webs
  • spider sense
  • master combat                             
Aquaman has

  • telepathic
  • super strength in water                                         
  • healing
  • hydrokinesis
In a fight Aquaman could use water around him and talk to fishes to come and help even in a city, a city is full of water hydrants and pipes that lead to a river or a sea so aquaman could use that, however spiderman can use his spider sense to tell him if water is coming but if aquaman gets a load of water and is drowning spiderman he can beat him up and spiderman powers are useless in water.


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