Tuesday 25 June 2013

Terminator 5
Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he is going to be in terminator 5 however will the movie be good?
Terminator salvation wasn't that good however i think christian bale should be john conor again. However 3 and 4 were rubbish terminator movies because they tried to have a war with sky-net unlike 1 and 2 where some terminator was chasing sarah conor and john conor and they ran and tried to kill one terminator however 5 should have a good amount of action and don't put a cheesy cast in it because it wont work i want to see john conor battling deadly terminators, if there going to make a war make that a side story don't show a war in the whole movie also they need to make it more emotional like theirs a war with machines someone important has to die like john conor wife or kid if the kids born.

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