Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Man Of Steel Review Spoilers

The man of steel was very good. It begun with Superman or Kal-el being born then, jor-el (Russell crowe) was telling the head lawmakers that the core was going to explode then general zod came in saying he wanted to take over control of krypton and kills one of the lawmakers.Jor-el runs to get the codec, during the journey to genocide we enjoy a treat of beautiful scenery and special effects on krypton.When Jor-el gets the codec from genocide he runs back home where he puts the codec inside Superman. The codec is needed for genocide which on krypton is how baby are made they are made artificially however Superman was Krypton first natural birth. After the codec was put inside superman, zod arrives and zod and jor-el have a fight in which jor-el wins and then he tells his wife to send Superman to another planet which she does and then zod quickly stabs jor-el. After that zod is taken to the lawmakers council where they put him and his army inside the phantom zone. After that Krypton blows up and then zod is finally able to go to find another planet because the phantom zone needs Krypton to survive. Then on earth we see Superman on a fishing boat and then there's an explosion at a oil rig Superman goes to save them but after that the thing blows up and hes under water and there's a flashback from when he was a kid and when he was getting his powers and he went crazy then you see his mum martha kent come and talks to him and says for Superman to follow her voice, then Superman swims to a nearby island. We see him being bullied as a kid in kansas a boy hits him on the bus then suddenly the bus tyre brakes and they fall into a river Superman saved the bus and saved the boy that was bullying him who was about to drown. Then Superman walks away. The bullies mum was telling Martha  and Johnathan Kent what happened, then john talks to Superman and shows Superman the ship he came in and tells Superman to find out where he comes from. We meet lois lane in a ice place where Superman was aswell Lois wanted to know what was at this ice place and then she sees Superman then she follows him.Superman goes into the spaceship he finds and sees his dad who then shows him his suit when lois enters the space ship she gets attacked by this robot and when Superman hears he destroys the robot and heals lois lanes cut by using his heat vision. After Superman puts on his suit and starts to fly he crashes alot by then finally flies to space. Lois wants to find out who Superman is so she goes to his other jobs and asks people then she finds martha kent  and asks him about Superman then Superman meets lois at johns gravestone and  tells her hes Superman and doesnt want lois to put Superman in the Daily Planet. After that Superman goes back to smallville and tells Martha kent who he is and where he comes from then you see another flashback when john died in the tonado.   Zod then invades every one screen and says his message where he says he wants Superman. Superman meets the army who give Superman to zod then they also take lois and superman gets blood taken from him but lois get help from jor-el ghost and escapes and jor-el also helps Superman escape and tells Superman he can save everyone on earth. He saves lois because here pod is broken  then after zods ships starts to land and he looks for the codec he goes to martha kents house and tries to kill her the Superman flies in at 1000mph and takes zod smashes him into a plant station and punches him through a crop field. YES HE FINALLY PUNCHES. Then smashes zod into a gas station. zod helmet breaks but gets saved by a ship and a tall guy and zods army woman comes and they have a massive fight with superman. Superman wins by destroying her mask beats the tall guy. After zods ships come and start to destroy the planet,Superman stops the ship then the pilot shoots the other ship. After zods army gets trapped in the phantom zone. After there's a big fight between zod and Superman where we see lex luthors name the fight goes long and there's loads of action in it at the end Superman breaks zods neck and save lois when she falls.They kiss then at the end Superman gets a job at the Daily Planet.

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