Monday 24 June 2013

Who is better Deadpool or Deathstroke
Deathstroke tactics are way better thand Deadpools, Deapool just jumps into a fight however Deathstroke is like batman he uses his tactics to win in a fight.

Deadpool has                                                                                                                                                                             

  • healing
  • superhuman stamina
  • devices that make him teleport and holographic disguises                              
  • carries a magic satchel
  • extended longevity
  • immunity to telepathy
  • master at martial arts
  • master swordsman and marksman   
Deathstroke has

  • Enhanced physical and mental attributes
  • healing factor                                                        
  • expert at martial arts                                                  
  • master tactician 
  • skillful manipulator
  • has access to hi-tech

  • In a fight i think deadpool will win because hes a master arts but deathstroke an expert at martial arts. However deathstroke a brilliant tactician so he would know how deadpool fights. Deapool just jumps into a fight for the fun of it but Deathstroke would kill deapool if deadpool fights the same as he usually fights. Deathstroke will mainly win on his tactics but if Deadpool was as smart as Deathstroke then Deapool would win.


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